As we usher in June, we’re breaking down the benefits of adequate hydration this Summer. In
addition to our overall health, hydration is a crucial step in maintaining kidney care. To filter
properly, our kidneys require sufficient water to effectively remove waste from the body and as
we know, inadequate hydration can lead to impaired kidney function and, over time, serious
health issues. However, there are several steps we can take to be more mindful of our kidney
health. To start, let’s learn about the way adequate hydration impacts our body’s function.
Kidney Function and Waste Removal
It’s no surprise that water is fundamental for the kidneys to filter out waste, but did you know
that when we don’t consume enough water, our kidneys must extract it from other sources in the
body? This process is what we technically term “dehydration”.
Temperature Regulation and Cardiovascular Health
Additionally, proper hydration supports various physiological processes, including body
temperature regulation (i.e., sweating) and maintaining cardiovascular function. This is because
hydration helps maintain blood volume and reduces strain on the heart.
Prevention of Dehydration-Related Issues
During summer, the risk of dehydration increases significantly. Dehydration can affect
everything from physical performance to cognitive functions. It can lead to symptoms such as
fatigue and can exacerbate the heart rate as the body struggles to maintain blood pressure
It’s All Connected: The Risks of Dehydration
The body contains water in three main compartments: intracellular, interstitial, and intravascular.
Dehydration disrupts this balance, causing water to move from cells to these spaces, affecting
blood pressure and, subsequently, heart function. Chronic dehydration can lead to kidney strain
as the organs work harder to reabsorb water, increasing the risk of kidney dysfunction and shut
down due to accumulated toxins.
Hydration Strategies for Diverse Populations
For the average person, drinking water to quench your thirst should be indicative of the amount
of water you need to consume each day. However, for those who do not crave water as often,
or simply forget, monitoring urine color can be an effective way to assess hydration, as darker
urine suggests a need for more fluids. If you are a highly active individual, replacing lost fluids
and electrolytes is crucial to maintaining performance and preventing cramps and aches.
All in all, while hydration is important year-round, we become at higher risk for dehydration
during the Summer months. To combat this, be sure to listen to your body and hold yourself
accountable to your hydration needs! Curious for more tips on how you can better care for your
kidney health? Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook, and tune in for our bi-weekly