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In the Media: Celebrities with Kidney Disease

Copy Of Celebrities With Kidney Disease (facebook Post)

Kidney disease is an insidious disease that affects roughly More than 1 in 7 US adults. Oftentimes diagnoses can require patients to shift their lifestyles in order to accommodate kidney-friendly routines to prevent additional harm. However, battling kidney disease doesn’t condemn you to a bleak life. In fact, through today’s technologies and medications, many kidney […]

A New Year of Kidney Health: 10 Lifestyle Changes for 2025

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There’s a lot of messaging that can arise during the new year regarding resolutions and unrealistic lifestyle adjustments. This year, we’re empowering patients to slowly incorporate a few intentional steps to use in the new year without burning out. Our PA and dietician, Ella Harpole, sat down to draft a few tips and implementation techniques […]