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A New Year of Kidney Health: 10 Lifestyle Changes for 2025



January 13, 2025

A New Year of Kidney Health: 10 Lifestyle Changes for 2025

There’s a lot of messaging that can arise during the new year regarding resolutions and unrealistic lifestyle adjustments. This year, we’re empowering patients to slowly incorporate a few intentional steps to use in the new year without burning out. Our PA and dietician, Ella Harpole, sat down to draft a few tips and implementation techniques to inspire your reformative journey! Without further ado, let’s dive in!

1. Drink more water

Start strong with hydration! To our regular readers, you’ve probably heard us preach time and time again about the importance of hydration, but it’s always good to have a reminder. Aim for a minimum of 8 cups, or 64oz, each day. Irrespective of form, Ella notes that some hydration is better than none. Go ahead and add some of your favorite flavoring or carbonated beverages! As long as you intermix this with enough water to keep your system clear, you’re good to go.

2. Get more fruits and vegetables in your diet 

Ella noted how her peers shared a 30-day challenge to incorporate more produce into their meal rotation. The 30-day challenge pushes you to try 30 different kinds of plant-based foods. This can include fruits, vegetables, and grains so that you consume a mix of various nutrients. Variety can be positive for gut health and introduce you to new things. If 30 days is a bit steep, see how high you can go by customizing the challenge according to your capabilities! Different ways to approach this are to try having a serving of fruits and vegetables at every meal or to aim for 30 different plant-based foods.

3. Increase whole foods in your diet.

No, not the grocery store! “Whole foods” are foods you can easily identify the origins of, says Ella. This primarily refers to foods that are less processed – e.g., an apple vs an apple pie or a cut of fresh meat vs. a frozen entre. The benefit of seeking more whole foods can be especially beneficial for kidney disease patients because it reminds you to reach for ingredients with fewer additives (like excess sodium or sugar) that you may be more sensitive to.

It is important to note that not all of your daily nutrients can be obtained from whole foods – this is why we have fortified foods for instance –  but they allow you to have more control and knowledge of what you’re putting into your body.

4. Cut back on vices – smoking, alcohol, unhealthy foods

Everyone knows themselves best, so think long and hard about this one! Maybe you’re not a smoker but you overindulge in other things. Hold yourself accountable by practicing moderation or by cutting out habits that place you at higher risk of health challenges.

5. Less salt in 2025!

Take it this way: In today’s world, by living in America even, we are exposed to much more added sodium in the processed foods we purchase. By making the extra effort, you may be able to limit your salt in ways you didn’t even realize! This can give you more control over how you choose to flavor and season your food as well. If you find it difficult to find great-tasting low-sodium recipes, Ella’s got you covered! Consult with her at your next appointment or visit our social media to see some of the cooking tips she shared for the holidays.

6. Exercise regularly

Consistent physical activity can help your body in so many ways and looks different for everyone. The activity level for someone who is 90 may look different from someone who is 40, but we still challenge you to try incorporating something. Even if it is just walking, the more movement you can incorporate, the better your strength, blood sugar, and endorphins will be positively regulated. As Ella likes to say, “Move it or you lose it”!

7. Think about your posture

For those of us who work at a desk for most hours of the day, this is a big one! Make little notes to stand, stretch, and blink away from your screen. Your body will thank you in the long run!

8. Make sleep a priority and have good sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to the habits and environmental factors that impact a good night’s sleep. To practice good sleep hygiene, Ella recommends avoiding staring at your phone before bed, keeping your lights low or dim, and avoiding caffeine late in the evening so you feel more prepared to sleep. Some people may even benefit from a few moments of silence or meditation.

If you tend to have trouble sleeping, look into what you can do to prioritize and encourage better rest. A lack of consistent rest can impact blood pressure, so make sure to cut out habits that deprive you of deep sleep.

High blood pressure is a comorbidity of kidney disease, so it is important to seek out quality sleep. If you have sleep apnea, which can impact BP due to reduced oxygen intake, try looking into a CPAP machine. Depending on the level of patient experience, controlling your sleep apnea can help your BP tremendously.

9. Try a new hobby or activity

Don’t overlook the benefit of adopting new hobbies! Trying new things stimulates the brain. It is also just a fun way to enjoy your life! Some great easy-to-incorporate activities include sudoku, puzzles, things to keep you active and engaged in the world, bridge, and reading. Knowing that it is never too late to try something new, Ella shared how a friend’s mom in her 90s recently got into playing bridge and has connected with a great community that she looks forward to meeting regularly! Pickleball is another hobby that’s taken the U.S. by storm and is a great way to engage in a low-impact physical activity.

10. Take time for your friends and family

It may seem like a basic task, but it truly makes a difference! Make sure you see your loved ones and let them know you are there for them. Surround yourself with people that bring you joy. You may have heard that isolation is associated with increased mortality. That is because, for people to thrive, they scientifically need healthful enriching lives that bring them meaning. Take the extra effort to let those around you know that you care!

And with that, we conclude Ella’s list of 10 “resolutions” you can take inspiration from. We’d like to reiterate that though the new year is a fresh start, it doesn’t require you to shift your whole lifestyle upside down. Rather than trying to achieve everything, we’d like to challenge you to adopt 1 or 2 of these tips to run within the new year.

To conclude, the ANC team would like to say Happy New Year to our community! We look forward to providing quality care and resources through 2025 and beyond.


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